Jan. 13th, 2010


Mod here!

Okay, a few things:

First, since none of you have already, please go join [info]omgbees and [info]omgooc! I just realized I never switched them off of closed membership. You'll probably get an error when you submit the join request, but don't worry, it went through anyway.

Second, is there anyone willing to help make a decent layout for the communities? The one we have now is nice for character journals, but I don't like it so much for the communities. I'd like to keep the same wallpaper we have now, but I'd like to go with no banner. Nevermind this, I wound up tweaking one of Li's awesome layouts, and I like what we have now. Feel free to tell me if you disagree, though!

Third, it looks like we'll be going with one OOC week to one IC day, at least to begin with. If this is an absolute deal breaker for any of you, please let me know now. If it turns out to be too slow, we can revisit this issue in the future.

Oh right also fourth I'm thinking of starting the game this Saturday. Or would next week be better for you guys?

Any questions?

Dec. 25th, 2009



[No Subject]

This game will start in like... idk January or something.

First order of business: Anyone have any preference for the passage of time? I'm partial to two OOC weeks = one IC week and one OOC week = one IC day, so I'll probably pick one of those if no one else has any other suggestions.